5 Kodex Place, Paraparaumu - Tel. 04 296 1105  |  Shop L05, Lydney Place South, Porirua - Tel. 04 237 8880  |  Upstairs, 5 Stanley Street, Levin - Tel. 06 880 1202  |  Freephone 0800 440 999

Voidable Transactions – Liquidator Can Claw Back Payments

Recent news articles have reported that the number of companies going into liquidation in New Zealand is on the rise after a Covid lull.  According to Centrix,[1] 642 companies were placed into liquidation during the second quarter of 2024. This represents a year-on-year increase of 19%. Most people in business know there is a substantial […]

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Hiring Casual Employees

With summer upon us, the up take in casual work is synonymous with school and university holidays.  Despite the short-term nature of these roles, whether it’s seasonal fruit-picking, a retail Christmas-casual or a restaurant needing extra cover for busy nights, if you hire staff on a casual basis, you still have significant legal responsibilities. […]

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Avoiding Scams This Holiday Season

Every year thousands of people fall victim to scams through emails, phone calls and text messages.  Scams are fraudulent schemes designed to deceive you and steal your money or personal information. […]

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Why Should I Review My Will

You should review and update your will regularly. It is not something that, once done, you should just stick in a drawer and forget about. There are many significant milestones in life when you should think about whether your will is still appropriate for your unique circumstances. […]

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Embracing Tikanga Māori In Your Commercial Contracts

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of incorporating – and (more importantly) the desire to incorporate – Tikanga Māori into commercial contracts.  To some extent, this shift is due to the growing appreciation that contracts should not only be robust and enforceable, but also culturally inclusive and reflective of our […]

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Contracting Out Agreements For Relationships Late In Life

You may think that a ‘pre nup’ is most commonly used when a young couple begins a relationship and there is a significant difference in their financial position. However, these agreements, formally known as contracting out agreements (COAs), can be entered into at any time during a relationship. They are particularly useful for couples entering […]

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Preparing Your Business For Sale

Whether you’re retiring, pursuing new ventures or looking to cash in on your hard work, selling a business is a significant milestone and one that needs careful planning and preparation. To ensure the greatest return on your investment, your business should be at its best when it goes on sale. Building value in your business […]

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Providing For Your Family In Your Will

We all want to look after our families – both during our lives and after we die. One way you can make sure that your family is looked after when you die is by leaving behind a clear, well-drafted will. […]

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Pre-Settlement Property Inspection

When buying a property, you are usually entitled to one pre-settlement inspection. This inspection is typically done during the week before settlement, although it can be completed at any time. […]

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Porirua, Kapiti and Levin