5 Kodex Place, Paraparaumu - Tel. 04 296 1105  |  Shop L05, Lydney Place South, Porirua - Tel. 04 237 8880  |  Upstairs, 5 Stanley Street, Levin - Tel. 06 880 1202  |  Freephone 0800 440 999




As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop we, the staff and Principals at BMC Lawyers would like to keep you updated on how we are ensuring all of our staff, visitors and clients remain safe and healthy during this challenging time. Because the health and wellbeing of our staff and clients is the number one […]

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Occupation Right Agreements

Retirement villages have a few different ways of leasing property to their tenants, and these are all bound by some government restrictions. Over half of the retirement villages in the country, however, use Occupation Right Agreements. This makes them important to understand for anyone who may be planning on entering a retirement village any time in the future. […]

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BMC Lawyers Sheds Light on Cross Lease Properties

From the 1960s through to as late as the 1980s, cross-leases were the most popular form of subdividing land, as it used to be a very cheap process. However, in 1991 the government introduced the Resource Management Act, and this changed things significantly. […]

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Am I Allowed to Make Multiple Offers on Property at Once?

Buying a house is exciting, but it’s easy for the fine details of residential conveyancing law to slip through the cracks. If you’re interested in a number of properties, you may find yourself wondering, “Can I make multiple offers at once when shopping around for property?” Many assume you can, and we understand why. After all, keeping options open takes a lot of guesswork out of the process.

But the truth is, making multiple property offers can get real tricky real fast. Read on to find out more about how you can keep your options open without accidentally committing to two binding contracts at once!

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How Often Should You Update Your Will and Why?

Anyone with a good estate planning lawyer knows they need a will, but something isn’t often discussed is the need to keep a will updated periodically. Think about it. Do you have a will? If yes, when was the last time you looked at it, or even thought about it? It’s very common for people to put time and effort into creating a will, but then keep it locked away, where it stays untouched until it needs to be used.

Unfortunately, by that time, your situation may have changed dramatically. Read on to find out more about when you should be regularly updating your will.

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How Do Multi-Offers Work?

Here at BMC Lawyers, we specialise in property, and we’re here to help walk you through one of the more complicated parts of real estate: multi-offers.
Before we can start, we cover exactly what a multi-offer entails. Essentially, if more than one buyer is making a written offer for a property, the real estate agent compiles them all and hands them over to the seller to select from.
Whether you’re a buyer or seller, it’s important to know how this situation works. Read on to find out more!

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Buying Property with a View

Whether you’re looking for properties for sale on Kapiti coast or elsewhere around the Wellington region, chances are there will be some land elevation involved. After all, who doesn’t want a home with a view?
But before you go ahead with a purchase, it’s important to factor in all the possibilities. After all, buying property on a hillside isn’t necessarily all positives. That’s not to say it should be avoided; it just requires some particular focus. To find out what we mean, read on.

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Advice on Commercial Contract Terms of Trade

Contracts are an important element of virtually every industry or individual business. Contracts are required for most major transactions, and without contract processes, many commercial industries would not be able to function reliably. […]

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Porirua, Kapiti and Levin